Sunday 14 October 2018

You Want Your India Back. I Want it Forward.

Did you know that Einstein was grateful to India and India's contribution to science? I mean, he apparently said, "We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made." Did you know that it is believed that Sanskrit is supposed to the mother of all languages? Even the computer language which runs on the binary codes of 1 and 0 is derived from Sanskrit! And hey, speaking of 0, if not for Aryabhatta, who was an Indian, mind you, where would the world be today?

Have you sniffed the undertone of sarcasm, yet? Well, in case you haven't, are you down with a cold? If you are, let me lay it out on the table for you. I have a problem with the 'India's achievements' rhetoric. I believe that it is overdone and invoked in almost any occasion almost at the drop of a hat.

Don't get me wrong. I am not rubbishing the achievements, Every now and then, I turn to such anecdotes and it does fill me with amazement and pride. I watched the trailer of the biopic of A K Ramanujan and it was amazing. As a part of my course, I read Indian Psychology and most of the things that it talks about is almost unreal. India was indeed the land of amazing! Sadly, it 'was'.

What I do not understand is that how can we be so proud of our past and turn a blind eye to what is happening currently? We seem to rely on our past glory to defend the present ruins that we have been heading towards.

The question is, for how long? 

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